Strain WA960
- CGSC#: 5615
- Strain Designation
Designation Source Preference WA960 Wood W.B. 1 - Sex(Hfr,F+,F-,or F'): F-
- 8 Mutations:
Mutation Location Certainty Display leuB6(Am) 1.74 1 leuB6(Am) fhuA21 3.61 1 fhuA21 lacY1 or DE(cod-lacI)6 7.80 1 lacY1 or Δ(cod-lacI)6 glnX44(AS) 14.99 1 glnX44(AS) LAM- 17.40 1 λ- metB1 88.94 1 metB1 thiE1 90.34 0 thiE1 r+B,m+B([]) 1000.00 1 [r+B,m+B] - Comments:
- The strain is r+B,m+B, a K-12 B/r hybrid, K-12 with B modification and restriction.
- This strain is an E. coli K-12 derivative which has received the segment hsd-thr from E. coli B. The strain is r+B, m+B.
- References:
Printable Strain Report