CGSC Strain#: 12283
Strain Designation: TA531     
Source of Strain: C.L. Squires
Sex: F-
Episome/Plasmid: ptRNA66
Plasmid Markers/Mutations: aadA(strR,SpcR)
trpT ,
aspT ,
ileU ,
alaU ,
thrV Episome/Plasmid: pHK-rrnC
Plasmid Markers/Mutations: kan,
trpT ,
rrsC ,
rrlC ,
rrfC ,
gltU ,
aspT Chromosomal Markers: ara-600,
Δ(rrsC-rrlC)774::cat ,
Δ(purD-metA)768Strain Comments: - Δ(codB-lacI)3-- is a deletion of the entire lac operon, from the strain Hfr 3000 X74 of Jacob. Refs. on extent of deletion: Sung et al.1987,J.Bact.169:2639; Gerdes et al.2001
- Δ(codB-lacI)3-- Shown by Durfee et al. to extend from codon 292 of yahG through mhpE
- Δ(codB-lacI)3-- Shown by Ferrandez et al. 1997 to extend to mhpD
- Δ(recA-srl)306-- removes all, or nearly all, of the recA gene and extends into srlR, but does not remove the Tn10 insertion in srlR
- Δ(codB-lacI)3 was formerly called Δ(yahG-mhpE)
- Δ(codB-lacI)3 was formerly called X74
- Δ(codB-lacI)3 was formerly called DE(lac)6
- Δ(codB-lacI)3 was formerly called Δlac74
- Δ(codB-lacI)3 was formerly called Δ(lac)3
- Δ(purD-metA)768 was formerly called Δ(purDH-rrnE-metA)
- Δ(rrlD-rrsD)773::cat was formerly called Δ(rrsD-ileU-alaU-rrlD)25::cat
- Δ(rrlG-rrsG)772::lacZ was formerly called Δ(rrsG-gltW-rrlG)30::lacZ
- Δ(rrsA-rrlA)771 was formerly called Δ(rrsA-ileT-alaT-rrlA)34
- Δ(rrsB-rrlB)769 was formerly called Δ(rrsB-gltT-rrlB)101
- Δ(rrsC-rrlC)774::cat was formerly called Δ(rrsC-gltU-rrlC)15::cat
- Δ(rrsH-rrlH)770 was formerly called Δ(rrsH-ileV-alaV-rrlH)103
- thiE1 was formerly called thi-1
- = chloramphenicol resistant
- = tetracycline resistant
- SpcR = spectinomycin resistant
- strR = streptomycin resist.
- = kanamycin resistant
References: - Asai, T, D Zaporojets, C Squires, CL Squires 1999. An Escherichia coli strain with all chromosomal rRNA operons inactivated: complete exchange of rRNA genes between bacteria. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 96(5):1971-6.