Site pBW120
- Name: pBW120
- Type: Plasmid
- Plasmid Sites:
bla(ApR) phnP-C - Priority: 0
- Comment:
- a pUC18 plasmid with insertion of the phn operon, plus the orfs originally designated phnA and phnB, a truncated orf phnQ, and an additional orf. Used for constructing several pWM plasmids.
- References:
- 1 Strains Carrying This Plasmid
Name Mutations Genotype BW11334/pBW120 5 F', Δ(argF-lac)169, recA1907::cat-aadA, thiE1, Δ(phnP-phnD)3330( phnC?), creC510, F128-Tn10-11, pBW120