Mutation thyA29
- Name: thyA29
- Type: Unknown
- Mutation of Gene: thyA
- Approx. Map Location: 63.86
- Comments
- Strains with this marker must have their medium supplemented with thymine (25ug/ml). This is true even for rich medium such as LB. Otherwise thymine starvation can lead to thymineless death.
- References
- 1 Strains Carrying This Mutation
Name Mutations Genotype KL189 15 F-, lacY1 or lacZ4, glnX44(AS)?, λ-, hisG1, purF1, pheA2::Mu, thyA29, rpsL8 or rplL9(L?) or rpsL14, malT1(λR), xyl-7, mtlA2, ΔargH1, thiE1, fhuA2 or fhuA14, tsx-23 or tsx-25