CGSC Strain#: 7791
Strain Designation: T946     
Source of Strain: T.-P. Sun
Other Designations: TPS946
Other Designations: K1090
Sex: F'
Episome/Plasmid: F128
Plasmid Markers/Mutations: Chromosomal Markers: ara-600,
thiE1Strain Comments: - The strain carries a pro-lac F-prime, but we are not certain that it is F128.
- Δ(gpt-lac)5-- is the deletion Δ( pro-lac)X111 of Jacob and originated in the strain Hfr 3000 X111.
- spoT1-- In addition to the 6bp insertion, there is a C to T transition resulting in an H257Y substitution.
- thiE1 was formerly called thi-1
- tolQ9 was formerly called fii-6
References: - Sun, T.-P., R.E. Webster 1986. fii, a bacterial locus required for filamentous phage infection and its relation to colicin-tolerant tolA and tolB. J.Bacteriol. 165:107-115
- Russel, M. 2001. Pers.Commun. a:1