CGSC Strain#: 4206
Strain Designation: KL16-99     
Source of Strain: M.C. Cappello
Sex: Hfr
Point of Origin#: 45
Map Position: 65.00
Direction of Marker Transfer: Counterclockwise
Chromosomal Markers: λ-,
deoB13Strain Comments: - e14--- : Loss of the e14 element makes the strain McrA-.
- recA1-- : Missense mutation, altered isoelectric point. Sequenced: G to A for Nuc. 720 (Gly 160 Asp).
- spoT1-- In addition to the 6bp insertion, there is a C to T transition resulting in an H257Y substitution.
- thiE1 was formerly called thi-1
References: - Low, K.B. 1968. Formation of merodiploids in matings with a class of Rec- recipient strains of Escherichia coli K12. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 60:160-167
- Sancar, A., C.S. Rupert 1978. Correction of the map location for the phr gene in Escherichia coli K12 Mutat. Res. 51(1):139-143.
- Sancar, A, CS Rupert 1978. Determination of plasmid molecular weights from ultraviolet sensitivities. Nature 272(5652):471-2.