CGSC Strain#: 5677
Strain Designation: JM888     
Source of Strain: Castellazzi
Sex: Hfr
Point of Origin#: 45
Map Position: 65.00
Direction of Marker Transfer: Counterclockwise
Chromosomal Markers: λ-,
thiE1Strain Comments: - gyrA26(NalR)-- was formerly called nalA26.
- recA441(ts)-- formerly tif-1 (temp.-induced filamentation). Not a Rec- phenotype, "constitutive protease activity" not requiring ss-DNA binding at hi temp.
- thiE1 was formerly called thi-1
- NalR = Nalidix.acidResist.
- ts = Temperature Sensitive
References: - Castellazzi, M, P Morand, J George, G Buttin 1977. Prophage induction and cell division in E. coli. V. Dominance and complementation analysis in partial diploids with pleiotropic mutations (tif, recA, zab and lexB) at the recA locus. Mol. Gen. Genet. 153(3):297-310.