CGSC Strain#: 5575
Strain Designation: Hfr 3000 YA139     
Source of Strain: F. Jacob
Sex: Hfr
Point of Origin#: 1
Map Position: 96.80
Direction of Marker Transfer: Clockwise
Chromosomal Markers: panB6,
thiE1Strain Comments: - This strain is apparently no longer a high-frequency donor.
- e14--- : Loss of the e14 element makes the strain McrA-.
- spoT1-- In addition to the 6bp insertion, there is a C to T transition resulting in an H257Y substitution.
- thiE1 was formerly called thi-1
References: - Cronan, JE 1980. Beta-alanine synthesis in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 141(3):1291-7.