CGSC Strain#: 7545
Strain Designation: W3110trpC9830     
Source of Strain: C. Yanofsky
Other Designations: W3110trpC1117
Sex: F-
Chromosomal Markers: λ-,
rph-1Strain Comments: - IN(rrnD-rrnE)1-- Inverts the region between rrnD (73.74 min) and rrnE (90.66 min)
- rph-1-- is a 1 bp deletion that results in frameshift over last 15 codons and has polar effect on pyrE leading to suboptimal pyrimidine levels on minimal medium.(Jensen 1993 JBact.175:3401)
- trpC9830 was formerly called trpC1117(
References: - Yanofsky, C, V Horn, M Bonner, S Stasiowski 1971. Polarity and enzyme functions in mutants of the first three genes of the tryptophan operon of Escherichia coli. Genetics 69(4):409-33.