CGSC Strain#: 7515
Strain Designation: CAG8209     
Source of Strain: C.A. Gross
Sex: Hfr
Point of Origin#: 13
Map Position: 84.98
Direction of Marker Transfer: Counterclockwise
Chromosomal Markers: leuB6(Am)
lacY1 or lacZ4,
thiE1Strain Comments: - leuB6(Am)-- Suppressed by serU suppressor (supH)
- glnX44(AS)-- Mutation is a C to T transition at nucleotide 34 (3rd position of the anticodon)
- aer-3075::Tn10-- : insertion shown by PCR (Nichols et al. 1998) to be within aer, at nucleotide 3,215,934 (69.321 min.).
- aer-3075::Tn10 was formerly called zgj-3075::Tn10
- glnX44(AS) was formerly called glnV44
- glnX44(AS) was formerly called su+II
- glnX44(AS) was formerly called supE44
- rfbC1 was formerly called rfbD1
- thiE1 was formerly called thi-1
- = tetracycline resistant
- Am = amber(UAG) mutation
- AS = amber(UAG) suppressor
References: - Singer, M., T.A. Baker, G. Schnitzler, S.M. Deischel, M. Goel, W.F. Dove, K.J. Jaacks, A.D. Grossman, J.. Erickson, C.A. Gross 1989. A collection of strains containing genetically linked alternating antibiotic resistance elements for genetic mapping of
- Nichols, BP, O Shafiq, V Meiners 1998. Sequence analysis of Tn10 insertion sites in a collection of Escherichia coli strains used for genetic mapping and strain construction. J. Bacteriol. 180(23):6408-11.