CGSC Strain#: 7089
Strain Designation: DH1/pCD100     
Source of Strain: C.R.H. Raetz
Sex: F-
Episome/Plasmid: pCD100
Plasmid Markers/Mutations: cdsA Chromosomal Markers: glnX44(AS)
hsdR17Strain Comments: - pCD100 carries the cds gene.
- glnX44(AS)-- Mutation is a C to T transition at nucleotide 34 (3rd position of the anticodon)
- gyrA96(NalR)-- GAC to AAC at codon 87
- gyrA96(NalR)-- resistant to 200ug/ml nalidixic acid
- recA1-- : Missense mutation, altered isoelectric point. Sequenced: G to A for Nuc. 720 (Gly 160 Asp).
- endA1-- G to A transition mutation resulting in E208K amino acid substitution.
- spoT1-- In addition to the 6bp insertion, there is a C to T transition resulting in an H257Y substitution.
- glnX44(AS) was formerly called glnV44
- glnX44(AS) was formerly called su+II
- glnX44(AS) was formerly called supE44
- gyrA96(NalR) was formerly called
- rfbC1 was formerly called rfbD1
- thiE1 was formerly called thi-1
- = good miniprep dsDNA quality
- AS = amber(UAG) suppressor
- NalR = Nalidix.acidResist.
References: - Icho, T., C.P. Sparrow, C.H.R. Raetz 1985. Molecular cloning and sequencing of the gene for CDP-diglyceride synthetase of Escherichia coli. J.Biol.Chem. 260:12078-12083
- Icho, T, CE Bulawa, CR Raetz 1985. Molecular cloning and sequencing of the gene for CDP-diglyceride hydrolase of Escherichia coli. J. Biol. Chem. 260(22):12092-8.