CGSC Strain#: 12379
Strain Designation: JAS86     
Source of Strain: F. Stahl
Other Designations: DH5alpha/pGP1-2
Other Designations: pGP1-2
Sex: F-
Episome/Plasmid: pGP1-2
Plasmid Markers/Mutations: orip15A,
KanR ,
T7 RNA pol Plasmid Comment: pGP1-2 contains the gene for T7 RNA polymerase under the control of the λ pL promoter. It also contains the gene for the temperature sensitive λ repressor (cI857) that is under the control of the plac promoter.
Chromosomal Markers: Δ(argF-lac)169, φ80d
hsdR17Strain Comments: - This is a recA- strain and grows slowly, and this is even more noticeable at 30C, of course. (It may be best to revive the culture, if shipped on sterile disks, without antibiotics and then transfer to LB + kan plates)
- This strain should be grown on rich media with kanamycin (30 ug/ml) at 30 C.
- Δ(argF-lac)169-- from strain Hfr3000 U169 was initially called ΔlacU169 and described as a lacZY mutation until found to include argF and lacI.
- Δ(argF-lac)169-- extends from mmuP through orfs preceding argF, through lac to mhpD, literally Δ(mmuP-mhpD)169. (Peters et al. 2003 JB 185:2017)
- glnX44(AS)-- Mutation is a C to T transition at nucleotide 34 (3rd position of the anticodon)
- gyrA96(NalR)-- GAC to AAC at codon 87
- gyrA96(NalR)-- resistant to 200ug/ml nalidixic acid
- recA1-- : Missense mutation, altered isoelectric point. Sequenced: G to A for Nuc. 720 (Gly 160 Asp).
- endA1-- G to A transition mutation resulting in E208K amino acid substitution.
- spoT1-- In addition to the 6bp insertion, there is a C to T transition resulting in an H257Y substitution.
- glnX44(AS) was formerly called su+II
- glnX44(AS) was formerly called supE44
- glnX44(AS) was formerly called glnV44
- gyrA96(NalR) was formerly called
- rfbC1 was formerly called rfbD1
- thiE1 was formerly called thi-1
- = good miniprep dsDNA quality
- AS = amber(UAG) suppressor
- NalR = Nalidix.acidResist.
- ts = Temperature Sensitive
References: - Tabor, S, CC Richardson 1985. A bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase/promoter system for controlled exclusive expression of specific genes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82(4):1074-8.