CGSC Strain#: 5350
Strain Designation: MX419     
Source of Strain: M.P. Oeschger
Sex: Hfr
Point of Origin#: 44
Map Position: 46.69
Direction of Marker Transfer: Counterclockwise
Chromosomal Markers: lacZ2210(Am)
thiE1Strain Comments: - supD74 (TS) is not very efficient in MX419. The rpsL183 allele inhibits the suppressor efficiency four-fold in this strain.
- 1.This strain was constructed to provide a source of the allele supD74(Ts). It transfers supD early in conjugation. Oeschger recommends using ValR counterselection
- conjugational transfer from MX419.
- The presence of the suppressor can be monitored by checking for a Lac+ phenotype at 30C and a Lac- phenotype at 40C.
- spoT1-- In addition to the 6bp insertion, there is a C to T transition resulting in an H257Y substitution.
- serU74(ts,AS) was formerly called supD74
- thiE1 was formerly called thi-1
- Am = amber(UAG) mutation
- AS = amber(UAG) suppressor
- NalR = Nalidix.acidResist.
- strR = streptomycin resist.
- ts = Temperature Sensitive
References: - Oeschger, MP, SL Woods 1976. A temperature-sensitive suppressor enabling the manipulation of the level of individual proteins in intact cells. Cell 7(2):205-12.